Streets, Sidewalks, And Alleys


Table Of Contents

  1. Outdoor dining
  2. Parklets, plazas, and bike corrals
  3. Pavement markings
  4. Report a problem on a city street, sidewalk, or alley
  5. Request a crossing guard for an intersection near your school
  6. Request to change the City Plan
  7. Request traffic calming for a residential street
  8. Street closures
  9. Submit a plumber backfill notification
  10. Suggest a location for an «Indego» bike station

A featured image of a page with the title "Outdoor dining" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

1. Outdoor dining

Learn how to get the licenses and approvals you need to offer outdoor dining in the public right-of-way.

A featured image of a page with the title "Apply for streetery prerequisite approval" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

1.1. Apply for streetery prerequisite approval

How to apply for prerequisite approval to offer outdoor dining in the parking lane in front of your restaurant.

A featured image of a page with the title "Get a Sidewalk Cafe License" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

1.2. Get a Sidewalk Cafe License

How to get a license to place seating on the public sidewalk and offer outdoor dining.

A featured image of a page with the title "Get a Streetery License" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

1.3. Get a Streetery License

How to get a license to convert curbside parking adjacent to a food business into additional seating or take-away service.

A featured image of a page with the title "Parklets, plazas, and bike corrals" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

2. Parklets, plazas, and bike corrals

Learn how to apply to install a parklet, plaza, or bike corral.

A featured image of a page with the title "Apply to install a bike corral" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

2.1. Apply to install a bike corral

How to apply for a permit to install a bike corral.

A featured image of a page with the title "Apply to install a parklet" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

2.2. Apply to install a parklet

How to apply for a permit to install and operate a parklet.

A featured image of a page with the title "Apply to install a plaza" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

2.3. Apply to install a plaza

How to apply for a permit to install a pedestrian plaza.

A featured image of a page with the title "Pavement markings" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

3. Pavement markings

How to request line striping and other street markings.

A featured image of a page with the title "Apply to paint an «X» on the street in front of your driveway" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

3.1. Apply to paint an «X» on the street in front of your driveway

How to get a permit to paint an «X» at the end of your legal driveway to discourage drivers from parking there.

A featured image of a page with the title "Request line striping" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

3.2. Request line striping

How to ask the City to paint pavement markings on a street.

A featured image of a page with the title "Report a problem on a city street, sidewalk, or alley" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

4. Report a problem on a city street, sidewalk, or alley

How to report issues like abandoned vehicles, potholes, graffiti, and broken street or traffic lights.

A featured image of a page with the title "Report a missing or damaged manhole cover" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

4.1. Report a missing or damaged manhole cover

Instructions for reporting a missing or damaged manhole (utility) cover.

A featured image of a page with the title "Report a pothole or other street damage" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

4.2. Report a pothole or other street damage

How to report a pothole or other street damage to be repaired.

A featured image of a page with the title "Report a problem with a street or alley light" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

4.3. Report a problem with a street or alley light

Instructions for reporting street or alley lights that are broken or damaged.

A featured image of a page with the title "Report a problem with a traffic light or sign" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

4.4. Report a problem with a traffic light or sign

How to report issues with a traffic light or sign, or request a new one.

A featured image of a page with the title "Request a traffic light or report a problem" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

4.4.1. Request a traffic light or report a problem

If a traffic light is damaged or isn’t working correctly, you can report it to the City.

A featured image of a page with the title "Request a traffic sign or report a problem" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

4.4.2. Request a traffic sign or report a problem

How to request a new traffic sign or report a problem with an existing one.

A featured image of a page with the title "Report an abandoned vehicle" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

4.5. Report an abandoned vehicle

How to report an abandoned vehicle for the City to remove.

A featured image of a page with the title "Report graffiti" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

4.6. Report graffiti

How to get graffiti removed by the Graffiti Abatement Team.

A featured image of a page with the title "Submit a service request with 311" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

4.7. Submit a service request with 311

Request service with 311, including trash pickup, potholes, and graffiti.

A featured image of a page with the title "Track a service request with 311" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

4.8. Track a service request with 311

Track the status of a service request that you submitted to 311.

A featured image of a page with the title "Request a crossing guard for an intersection near your school" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

5. Request a crossing guard for an intersection near your school

Instructions on getting a crossing guard assigned to a corner near your school.

A featured image of a page with the title "Request to change the City Plan" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

6. Request to change the City Plan

How to request a change to the street system in the Philadelphia City Plan.

A featured image of a page with the title "Request traffic calming for a residential street" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

7. Request traffic calming for a residential street

How to request traffic calming measures for a residential street.

A featured image of a page with the title "Street closures" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

8. Street closures

Learn how to close a street for a block party, street event, or construction work.

A featured image of a page with the title "Apply for a street closure permit for construction" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

8.1. Apply for a street closure permit for construction

How to get a permit to close a street for utility work, equipment placement (including cranes), or helicopter lifts.

A featured image of a page with the title "Apply to hold a block party or street event" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

8.2. Apply to hold a block party or street event

How to request a street closure for a block party or special event like a birthday celebration, serenade, or wedding.

A featured image of a page with the title "Submit a plumber backfill notification" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

9. Submit a plumber backfill notification

Plumbers must notify the Department of Streets once they complete backfill work on City roadways.

A featured image of a page with the title "Suggest a location for an «Indego» bike station" in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

10. Suggest a location for an «Indego» bike station

How to suggest a location for a new «Indego» bike station or offer to host a station at an organization or business.